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Discover The Different Types of Umbrella Insurance

When you hear the term “umbrella insurance,” you often think it covers many issues. If that was your assumption, then you’re correct. However, umbrella insurance is designed to help those who need very specific instances of coverage. If you’re unsure what umbrella insurance you need, contacting our Fuqua Insurance Agency in Tallahassee, FL, is a must.

What Does Umbrella Insurance Cover?

Umbrella insurance covers a wide variety of instances. For example, many policies will include property damage, bodily injury, landlord liability, and more. However, some policies, such as defamation, intentional harm, business insurance, and even travel insurance, can be added. Beyond that, if you can think of something you need to cover, there is a plan for it.

How Do You Know If You Need Umbrella Insurance?

You may need umbrella insurance if you’re looking to have multiple types of coverage. By combining it with umbrella insurance, you can pay a premium that is representative of the services you need. That said, it can also be a better way to ensure you have everything necessary for your lifestyle or business.

If you’re having trouble knowing what you need to be covered, it’s a good idea to contact an agency such as ours for ideas of what we can cover. That can help you get the perfect plan for your needs without wasting money. 

How Can We Help?

We can help at the Fuqua Insurance Agency in Tallahassee, FL by introducing you to our different plans. Our agency can help get you the right plan for your needs. Hopefully, this has helped you.

Key Benefits of Umbrella Insurance

If you live or work in and around the greater capital region of Tallahassee, FL, and are looking for an added level of liability insurance, an umbrella policy might offer an affordable solution. According to our insurance professionals at Fuqua Insurance Agency –

  • The primary purpose of this type of liability insurance is to offer extra protection for the insured, who may face litigation costs/damages that exceed the limits of relevant insurance policies.
  • Umbrella Insurance-
    • Is a type of insurance that is triggered when the insured individual exhausts or reaches existing policy limits.  
    • Offers a practical insurance option to safeguard one’s family’s financial future.

Key Benefits of Umbrella Insurance of Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance adds liability coverage beyond the limits of primary insurance policies, like a current car, boat, or homeowners insurance. In addition to providing protection against unexpected and catastrophic incidents, umbrella insurance provides valuable peace of mind.

Consider the following when shopping for umbrella insurance –  

Exposure to Risk

Certain properties create more risk. For example, a home with a pool or one that is an investment property may create risk that needs additional liability coverage. Additionally, umbrella insurance may offer protection for those employed in a profession that creates larger liability risks – a physician, small business owner, etc.

Coverage Limits

Umbrella insurance is usually offered in optional coverage limits, which typically begin at one million dollars and increase incrementally.  

Legal Expenses

Umbrella insurance offers coverage for legal expenses and damages should the insured be found to be legally responsible.

We Are Here To Help

The need for umbrella insurance varies based on your personal situation and objectives. For more information, reach out to us at Fuqua Insurance Agency serving the greater Tallahassee, FL community today.

Why Do You Need Umbrella Insurance

Have you considered having a protection plan in place that will serve to cover your property? What about coverage for additional costs that may be involved in any damage your belongings may cause?

We at Fuqua Insurance Agency, serving the residents of Tallahassee, FL, can help you acquire reliable security for all your assets and any potential damage that may not be covered by your primary insurance.

You need an umbrella cover to stand in the gap in the event of:

Potential lawsuits.

In the event that a lawsuit has been filed against you as a result of damage that may have been caused within and by your property to another party, umbrella insurance will  protect you against the loss of your property that may be at risk . It will also ensure that you are protected against risk of loss from malicious or false information that may be of ulterior motive

Injury that may need additional cost.

Depending on the extent of the injury, your insurance may need a supplementary cover for the treatment that may be more expensive than what has already been covered by your base insurance.

Damage to other people’s property.

Where the expense of repair may go beyond what the base insurance will cover, your umbrella insurance policy will cover the extra cost that may come along with the repair.

Get Umbrella Insurance Today

You can count on Fuqua Insurance Agency, serving the greater Tallahassee, FL community, to help you protect your existing assets as well as those you may purchase in the future. We will renew your umbrella insurance coverage, and we will help you to select the plan that will be most beneficial to you.

When will an umbrella policy come into play to protect your business?

Fuqua Insurance Agency is proud to work closely with the business community of the greater Tallahassee, FL area. We value the services that our business leaders provide to our community and are here to help with insurance needs. If you are just getting started out, or you have a long-established company, give us a call for all of your commercial insurance needs!

Umbrella insurance coverage triggers

When it comes to umbrella insurance, many business owners have a lot of questions. There can be some confusion about exactly what type of protection these policies offer, and when they are used.

Typically, an umbrella policy will come into play in the event that your primary policy is exhausted. This means that if you suffer from a lawsuit and the liability damages are greater than the amount that your primary policy provides, your umbrella policy would kick into action.

This type of policy provides excess liability protection and can help save the business and its principals from financial responsibility. When a primary policy is exhausted, the additional liability or damages will then become the responsibility of the firm. Depending on how the company is structured, this could mean that the principals themselves would be held personally responsible for any remaining financial damages.  

Fortunately, this scenario of personal responsibility can be easily avoided! Now is a great time to get an umbrella policy in place for your company.

We look forward to working with you!

Tallahassee, FL area business owners rely on the team at Fuqua Insurance Agency. If you would like to learn more about umbrella insurance policies and how they can help to protect your company, give us a call or stop by today. We look forward to collaborating with you!

I have a small business. Do I need Umbrella insurance?

Many business owners may question the value and the necessity of umbrella insurance. Whether or not to carry umbrella insurance is a personal decision. However, there are some cut-and-dried reasons that may help you determine whether this type of insurance will be beneficial to your business. Our team at Fuqua Insurance Agency is happy to help Tallahassee, FL customers navigate umbrella insurance.

What is Umbrella Insurance?

In short, umbrella insurance is supplemental insurance designed to extend policy coverage levels. Primary insurance is applied first and umbrella insurance kicks in to cover anything that exceeds the coverage levels of primary insurance. This insurance is beneficial in terms of unexpected events like lawsuits, accidents, and liability claims, to list a few. 

Who Needs It?

If you’re a business owner who could experience a loss of profit or go bankrupt in the event of a legal judgment against your business, you may want to consider umbrella insurance if the judgment might exceed coverage limits. In addition, you may have customers that require this type of insurance as protection against unexpected accidents. Businesses with company cars or extensive travel may also benefit from umbrella insurance. Company vehicles, like any vehicle, can be involved in traffic accidents. The extra coverage may be beneficial for covering this type of risk. 

Other Considerations

If your business has an element of risk and danger associated with it, umbrella insurance may be a practical consideration. For example, if you make toxic or hazardous products or undergo a manufacturing process that could be dangerous to employees, umbrella insurance may be the perfect safety net once primary insurance limits have been met. Ultimately, the decision is yours. Umbrella insurance may be a benefit even if you don’t have a high-risk business just to create peace of mind in the event of something unexpected happening. Our team at Fuqua Insurance Agency would be happy to walk you through the ABCs of umbrella insurance to help you make a decision. Give us a call. We’re standing by. 

Who Needs Umbrella Insurance?

While Umbrella insurance can be a very useful and valuable tool in anyone’s financial arsenal, it’s not necessarily insurance that every individual needs to carry.  The team of Fuqua Insurance Agency serving Tallahassee, FL can help you determine if carrying umbrella insurance is right for you and your family.

Umbrella insurance policies typically cover not just the insured but also whoever else the insured designates as covered, for example, their spouses and children, or anyone else that might live in the insured’s home.  Let’s look at some examples of when an umbrella policy can be useful and what people would definitely benefit from having an umbrella insurance policy:

  • If the total value of your assets (including cash on hand such as checking accounts, savings accounts, and assets such as cars and houses) is higher than the amount of insurance you carry, an umbrella policy might be a great investment for you.
  • If you rent out a home, employ a household staff or spend a lot of time entertaining groups of people in your home, you are automatically at a higher risk for potential lawsuits and an umbrella policy might be a good fit for you
  • Having a teenage driver, a dog, or owning a swimming pool are all additional factors that would make sense to carry an umbrella insurance policy
  • If you are a public figure of any kind or have a job that might open you up to being sued, investing in an umbrella insurance policy is a smart move to protect you and your family

Residents of the Tallahassee, FL area can contact the professionals at Fuqua Insurance Agency today to learn more about Umbrella Insurance today!

Do I need umbrella insurance in Florida?

People that live in the Tallahassee, FL area have many insurance needs. For many residents, this includes getting home and auto insurance, which protects valuable assets and offers liability protection. When you are in Florida, getting an umbrella insurance plan is also beneficial as it can offer extended liability protection. There are a few reasons why people should get umbrella coverage. 

You Want Coverage for Big Claims

A situation when it could be a good idea to get umbrella insurance is when you are concerned about large liability claims. If you are ever at fault in an accident that results in major damages, the liability claim could exceed your home or auto policy. Fortunately, you can also get an umbrella insurance plan which will provide you with coverage on top of your other insurance plan in place. 

You Want Coverage for Unexpected Situations

You will also need to get an umbrella plan if you are concerned about the unexpected. While it is possible to predict certain liability risks and insure against them, there are other risks out there that are harder to predict and present serious liability risks. A great way to mitigate these risks is by getting an umbrella plan as it offers more blanket coverage that can cover a wide range of risks that could result in a personal liability claim.

Having proper insurance in Tallahassee, FL is important. As you build a personal insurance plan and are thinking about umbrella coverage, you should call the Fuqua Insurance Agency. The insurance professionals with the Fuqua Insurance Agency understand the importance of this coverage. They can then give you the support needed to choose a plan that is right for your situation. 

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  • Bristol West
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  • Heritage
  • Mercury
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